For the first time, hubby was home to help make Christmas cookies with us. It started off a little tense but I just decided to go with the flow and it was a lot of fun. I am not used to having anyone in the kitchen with me, so it was something I had to adjust to. We made Gingerbread Rollout dough and put that in the chill chest and we will bake those later. Ian wasn't happy at the start because I made him turn the computer off but once we started rolling and cutting, I could tell he was into it. I made the Sugar cookie dough earlier this week with Ian and I sprinkled the surface with flour and let the boys roll them and cut them out. It was a lot of fun and I think it will be something we will remember for a many years to come.
I think we will bake the Gingerbread cookies tonight and then decorate all the cookies tomorrow. That should be more memories in the making. :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Making Memories
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
12:46 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Here's Your Sign
The Worthington Police Department arrested a 37-year-old male on a Mankato Police Department warrant at 1:36 a.m. Tuesday at the intersection of Third Avenue and Park Lane. The man had called 911 and said with slurred speech that he was cold and did not know his location. He was located, booked and held.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
12:24 AM
Friday, December 5, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Metallica in Omaha 11/06/2008
It was a great concert!
We had nice seats. 7th row, lower bowl. We were seated right in front of what we think was the sound board.
The band was tight. James sounded great.
The coffin lights were cool. They raised and lowered and moved.
There were fireballs and some multi-colored flames and laser lights. We could feel the heat from the fireballs. I'm glad James didn't catch himself on fire for us.
The fire, lasers and lights were just the icing on the cake. The music was fantastic enough.
There is no studio magic with this band. What you hear on the albums is what you hear live, if not more. Incredibly amazing band.
At the end, James ordered the house lights on and they dropped a bunch of black balls into the crowd. I wish I could have had a Metallica ball. No such luck.
People were getting really sloshed by the time Metallica took the stage. I worried for the safety of a few of them who seemed to defy gravity going up and down the stairs. I wonder if a few of them will even remember seeing Metallica.
There were a couple jerks but overall, people were considerate. Some guys tried to steal our seats. One of the ushers had to come kick them out. Lesson learned. Do not leave your seats.
They guy behind me kept stomping his feet right behind my seat. Metal bleachers that bounced. get the picture. There always has to be one idiot to ruin a perfect evening doesn't there?
Don’t get me wrong though. I loved the concert. Love it.
A lady in front of us looked like she didn't even like Metallica. She was texting on her phone through most of it. What? TEXTING during a CONCERT??? WTF?
I think she was just there for the $10 beers. She left before the end of the concert. What a waste of a perfectly good seat.
My voice is gone from screaming and singing, and I probably lost more hearing, but I will not soon forget this concert.
Kent loved it too.
I already downloaded the audio from the concert directly from the Metallica site.
It's been a dream of mine to see Metallica live for a long time.
I'm so happy I got to see them.
...Now if I could just get my hands on a couple tickets for AC/DC.....
Here's the set list for Metallica, Omaha Magnetic.
That Was Just Your Life
The End of the Line
Creeping Death
The Thing That Should Not Be
Broken, Beat & Scarred
Sad But True
Wherever I May Roam
No Remorse
Kirk Solo #1
The Day That Never Comes
Master Of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire
Kirk Solo #2
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
Die Die My Darling
Seek and Destroy
Total Running Time: 2:04:43
Not too many pics. I just wanted to enjoy the show. I really wanted them to play Suicide & Redemption from Death Magnetic but knew they probably wouldn't play it. I think they should of though. They included 6 songs off the new album. They should of squeezed in one more IMO.
Me and Kent wish they would have included Sanitarium as well. We both really love that song.
We listened to Master of Puppets and Death Magnetic on the way back home.
Death Magnetic is really comparable to Master of Puppets, no doubt about it.
Not my vid, but from the same concert.
We had a similar view as this person. We were almost directly across from where this viewer was.
Good quality. Much better then I got off my camera.
They dropped the balls at the end so watch it all.
Omaha World Harold review
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
5:15 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It sure is quiet here this morning.
I took our Siamese cat, Caesar, to the vet yesterday.
He has a mole on his eyelid that turned red and icky a couple days ago.
The vet looked at it and stopped short of saying that it is cancer but she did say that his mole has definitely changed and is irregular shaped and she said that it should be removed.
After calling my husband, we decided to have the surgery done right away and pick him up on Friday, after we return from Omaha.
Caesar was also constipated so they gave him an enema. I'm sure he wasn't too thrilled about that but I bet he feels a lot better.
The vet wanted to keep him to run some tests and to check his urine output. She assured me that Caesar will be able to close his eyelid all the way and he won't have a big, ugly scar. Just a little one.
So Ceasar is getting the full Monty of tests.
He was quite the ham at the vet office and the vet and assistant were telling him how beautiful he was and of course he was eating it up.
He wasn't scared at all once we got there and was eying the bird they keep in the waiting room.
Poor Bird is eyed as a snack by most animals that come in there I bet.
Domino seemed like he was wondering where Caesar was last night around dinner time.
Both Stormy and Domino seemed very relaxed though. Caesar instigates a lot of fights around here because he thinks he is the king.
Domino and Stormy were both laying on the bed with me last night. Something they don't normally do when Caesar is around because he gets so jealous and will start a fight with both of them.
I was petting both of them and Domino, normally very easy going just bit Stormy on the ear unprovoked. I don't know where that came from. lol
Anyway. I feel kind of crappy for leaving Caesar at the vets to have surgery while we go out of town for a concert.
I hope he will be OK. I am sure he will. They are very good to our pets and I wouldn't take him anywhere else to have this done.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
6:21 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
OK. Well maybe it's a little early for Christmas but we seen this Santa House kit at Michaels Craft store and it was so cute, we just had to get it.
Ian put it together all by himself!
He really had a good time with it.
I love the little Christmas lights. They're cute.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
2:17 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Glen Beck is annoying but...
He makes some sense here.
We really may be turning into a socialized government.
Read the full article and leave your thoughts.
Money and power made people greedy, so you decided to hand over a bunch of money and power to greedy politicians instead. Smart! After using that money to nationalize a bunch of banks, mortgage companies and insurance companies, they moved on to bigger things.
The airlines came first -- we just couldn't live without them. Then it was the automakers (Detroit would've died), health care (they said they could manage it better), and eventually, the oil companies (I'm not sure where all of those "windfall profits" have gone).
The idea behind it all (an idea that was eventually turned into law with the passage of the Securities Exchange Act of 2011) was to "socialize losses" by spreading them out among all taxpayers. The pain, our leaders argued, would be minimal that way.
They were right. At least until the bills came due. See, we didn't actually have any of the money we were promising everyone; we were borrowing it.
It didn't take long before so many of our tax dollars were going toward interest payments that we couldn't fund even the most basic of government programs without massive tax increases on everyone. People now work most of the year just to pay Uncle Sam (or, as we now call him, "Comrade Sam").
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
1:35 PM
Labels: politics
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Steam Locomotive
The Steam Locomotive that made a whistle stop in town today.
Every old foggie in town showed up for the event. hehe
The Challenger No. 3985 was designed by Union Pacific and built in 1943 by the American Locomotive Company. It is one of 105 Challengers built for UP between 1936 and 1943 and is the only operating engine of its class in the world today.
No. 3985 last operated in regular train service in 1957, and was retired in 1962. It was stored in the roundhouse in Cheyenne until 1975, when it was placed on display near the Cheyenne depot. A group of UP employees volunteered their services to restore the locomotive to running condition in 1981.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
12:56 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Do smiles and thank you cost extra?
I am fed up with Walmart.
We spend a lot of money there on a weekly basis. They are in the middle of remodeling our store so everything is rearranged and not in the place where it normally is which makes shopping, a chore I hate to begin with, even worse.
I picked up some wallpaper gunk to help soak the old wallpaper off the walls we are fixing up, and a box of foam crafts for me and Ian to decorate.
We go to check out and I said hi, but the cashier didn't say one word to me, or even looked at me. Do you think she could even hand me the bag when she was done? Nope.
I'm pretty certain it costs extra for these small things that make a big difference to me.
I can't wait until the new Fareway Foods is built so maybe we can start shopping there for our groceries more.
If it wasn't for Walmart's low prices, believe me, I'd shop elsewhere all the time. I do shop other places whenever possible.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Do you have similar story about Walmart, or any other store?
P.S. Pictured is some of the candy corn people we made from the craft kit we bought tonight. Everything was all cut out and you didn't even need glue. Just peel and stick. My kind of craft. :)
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
6:33 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Justice Dept. Approves XM-Sirius Merger
I, for one, am not usually for monopolies, but I do think that when the government steps in, they have a tendency to fuck up everything they touch and set progress back 10 years.
I'm glad that XM and Sirius will merge without government limitations.
It will be a good thing for subscribers. :)
Click here for the news article.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
4:52 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mirror Mirror
"1. Mirror, Mirror (Look Into My Eyes) - Def Leppard"
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
3:53 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I've been filling out my AC/DC collection.
Among the new artillary are '74 Jailbreak and Fly On The Wall. Both remastered versions.
'74 Jailbreak only has 5 songs on it, but they are really great songs.
The song 'Jailbreak' was originally on the 'Dirty Deeds' album, but left off of the American release.
Fly On The Wall, IMO is the last great album by put out by AC/DC.
1980 was a catastrophic year in the rock and roll world.
Not only did we loose drummer John Bonham of Led Zeppelin later that year, but on February 19, 1980, singer Bon Scott of AC/DC died due to acute alcohol poisoning after heavy partying the night before.
AC/DC found a new singer, Brian Johnson. Brain rode the magic carpet ride with the huge success of 'Back in Black', an album started by Bon Scott and the rest of the band, in which Brian helped finish. Back in Black is in tribute to the late Bon Scott.
Strangely enough, I have not considered getting Back in Black on CD until now.
I have 2 copies of it on vinyl.
Back in Black CD is en route. :)
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
6:38 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Bob Marley~Catch a Fire
Bob Marley and The Wailers
Catch A Fire
2001 Remastered
- Concrete Jungle
- Slave Driver
- 400 Years
- Stop That Train
- Baby We've Got a Date (Rock it Baby)
- Stir it Up
- Kinky Reggae
- No More Trouble
- Midnight Ravers
- High Tide or Low Tide
- All Day All Night
This CD is a real gem.
Every song on this disc is awesome.
Bob Marley was a staple in the tape deck of my van in high school....occasionally I did remove the Doors for other music. ;)
Bob Marley had cancer in his big toe. He refused modern medicine because of his Rastafarian belief that the body must be "whole".
The cancer metastasized through his whole body. When he finally sought treatment through modern medicine, it was too late.
He died May 11, 1981 at the age of 36. The world lost an amazing musician that day.
If you don't already posses some version of this album, you should.
It's a music collectors "must have". You don't even have to be stoned to enjoy it. B )
While you are at it, check out his buddy, Peter Tosh.
Tosh was a member of the Wailers until the parted company. He is talented too.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
6:36 PM
Labels: Bob Marley
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Latest Acquisitions
Here is a list of some of my latest musical acquisitions.
The Band~To Kingdom Come (The Definative Collection) The Band used to back Bob Dylan. I love The Band, not so much Dylan.
The Black Keys~Magic Potion album and a few other songs off other albums. I love this group. Absolutely intoxicating to listen to.
Bob Dylan~just one song, House of the Rising Sun. I'm not much of a Dylan fan but I heard him sing this accoustic version of HOTRS on VH1 Classic and had to have it. Very powerful stuff. The version on VH1 was better then the one I downloaded however.
Buffalo Springfield~single download~For What It's Worth~I love this hippy song.
Cat Stevens~Greatest Hits~I have this album on vinyl, just now replacing it.
Some single Collective Soul downloads to fill some holes in my CS collection~ Gel, Perfect Day, Why Pt. 2, Next Homecoming.
Creed~Greatest Hits album
Led Zeppelin~How the West Was Won~I debated about downloading this. I am a little disappointed. It sounds so uninspired and flat. I prefere TSRTS for a live album.
Lou Reed 3 tracks~Vicous, Perfect Day, Walk on the Wild Side. Wild Side I have on vinyl.
The Velvet Underground~Single track~Heroin
Oasis~Single Download~Champagne Supernova
Pink Floyd~I went a little download nuts with PF a couple weeks ago. I downloaded 3 albums~Meddle, Saucerful of Secrets and A Momentary Laps of Reason. Momentary Laps I have on vinyl and I practically wore it out when it first came out. I seen them at Mile High Stadium in Denver that same year.
Meddle is one hell of a album. If you love Floyd and don't have Meddle, you should.
R.E.M~Single download~Drive. I used to hate this band. I still hate some of their more popular stuff, like Everybody Hurts and Shiny Happy People and What's the Frequency Kenneth...bleck... but have recently opened my mind to other stuff of theirs and they are a pretty amazing band.
Robert Plant~2 single downloads~Burning Down One Side and Trouble Your Money. I also ordered Now and Zen on CD from a 3rd party for 24 cents. Should be here any day now. N&Z is a vinyl replacement.
Steve Miller 2 tracks~Abracadabra and Fly Like An Eagle. I have Steve Millers Greatest Hits on acetate.
Wolfmother~Single dl~Joker and the Thief. Not a big fan of this group, but this song is alright.
Tell me what your recent music aquisitions are.
Please no hate mail for any of the above you don't like.
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
3:48 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
When the levee breaks
Location: New York, United States
"When the levee breaks".
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Neil : "You've got a hell of a sound from your equipment."
Led Zeppelin & Neil Young
Uploaded by LeBalayeur
Dang. Bob's voice sounds fantastic here!
Posted by
Minnesota Hotdish
11:26 PM
Labels: Hall of Fame, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young